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2003 XR6 Ford Falcon
Weight : 4150 lbs
PB 1/4 Mile ET : 7.76
Pb Speed : 187.44mph/301.65kmh
Power : 2202.3 hp (Overall horsepower hero winner at Summernats 33)
First Ford XR6 TURBO street car to run a 7 second 1/4 mile pass.
Currently the Quickest and Fastest XR6 TURBO in Australia
Full weight street driven and still retains the IRS rear end. Maria's first car, that has came a long way from the standard BA Turbo of many years ago. If you have seen this car in person you would appreciate the time and effort that Dyno-mite Performance have gone to in this build. A true work of art that pushes this street car down the track.
Good things come to those who wait and it was 10 years to the day that Maria had her car on the Dyno earlier this year. Making some serious power than 10 years ealrier with well over 1600hp to the rear wheels.
It was then at Jamboree that RIPSS and Maria did their thing and on their last pass of the night they made history, the first street registered XR6 Turbo to run a 7 second pass over the 1/4 mile. Of course Maria never knew what the ET was until the crew came down to the end of the track in total Joy. There were tears and jubilation all round.

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